Wednesday, July 27, 2011


We spent a few hours at the zoo with friends.  The zoo was beautiful and we had a great time!



Interesting name for the Lion - Aslan.  Do you think there is any connection to CS Lewis?

Comfortable?  :)

Zoo train.

The gardens.

Lunch time!

Checking out the elephants!

Calling over the elephants.  One of their names is Gabby. 

Elephants coming over to say "Hi!".

Hello!  Can you please throw me a peanut?

Aquarium.  Braden loved the sharks! 

This bird sat just like this the whole time we were at the zoo!  I had to look closely to make sure he was real.  :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Living the Life

We have been staying busy and having lots of fun! 
Best part is...the summer has just begun! 

Reading books for the summer reading program at the library.

Coloring while mom was getting dinner ready.

Playing with our neighbors dog, Pippin.

Cooling off.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Blessing

We recieved a blessing from the Lord!  We won this playouse for Braden.  He has really enjoyed playing with it! 

The house all set up, waiting for a special little boy. 
The inside.
Looking out the window.
 Eating his lunch in the house.
 Phone call!
 Hi!  Please come in!
Talking on the phone before heading in for the night.
 The conversation was pretty good!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Elmo comes to Turkey!

Elmo came to town today! Braden was SO excited. He talked about it all day!

Friends running to the show.
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street? Waiting patiently for the show to start. Doing the Elmo Slide.
Cheese! Waving bye to Elmo and friends.
Daddy was able to come to the show!
The gang who came to visit us.