Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy 3 months!

Braden turned 3 months this past Friday. He is 14 pounds now! He also started laughing this past Thursday. It is the most beautiful sound you have ever heard! Here are some pictures from the last few weeks and some from this past weekend while we were in North Carolina.
What a great smile!
Wrestling with dad.
Best buds!
All smiles!
Dinner with mom.
Checking each other out.
Are we done yet?
Uncle Tom and Aunt Gwenella and Braden.
Tommie, Braden, and I with Tommie's parents.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Promised Pictures

My men. Ready for a Saturday picnic.
Can I go to bed now?
Love it!
Fun with the Cameron, Madeline and Reagan!
I am not too sure about this. And no, my feet do not touch the ground.
Ready for Sunday church!
Fun with Anna, Avery, Drew, and Tate.
Cousin Jonathan's Firetruck.
Love from cousin Zachary.

Monday, August 3, 2009

2 months

Braden is officially two months old! I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? I sure do hope if slows down a little. His 2 month appointment went very well. Of course I was so excited that I didn't take pictures. Plus Tommie wasn't too sure about me running around the doctor's office with my camera and my cute little naked baby. :) He weighed in at 12 pounds 11 ounces. Wowzers! He is 22 1/2 inches long. He was very good for the doctor, but he did give her the biggest pouty lip ever after she stuck the popsicle stick down his throat. It was SO cute! His shots also went well. He received 6 different vacines! 3 shots and one oral medicine. As hard as it was, I do think it is easy now. I can't imagine having to try and hold him down when he gets bigger. :z Pictures to come!